Monday, January 11, 2021

New Moon

There is a New Moon in the sign of Capricorn, January 13, 2021 at 12:00 AM (EST). Set your intentions for a positive and prosperous year as Capricorn rules loyalty and hard work. However, there are some intense energies through the month of January that we need to be prepared for as January 14 - 23 will be the most volatile with Pluto (planet of destruction/rebuilding) and Saturn (restrictions/learning) and Mercury (communication) all in a tight configuration with this Moon (emotions). There will possibly be riots and violence during these times, especially around January 19-23 as well as some environmental issues such as earthquakes and/or storms. With Mercury beginning it's shadow phase of turning retrograde do not believe anything you hear as it will be misconstrued (Mercury likes to play that way) Set your intentions toward positive outcomes and attention to those people and things that are most important to you. We may have to take some deep breaths and breathe a little harder but we've got this and we will emerge stronger and better. Don't forget to breathe!!!

Friday, January 1, 2021

New Year 2021

Happy New Year and welcome to 2021. The planets were not kind to us in 2020, but they have taught us to be very resilient. Pluto, the planet of destruction and rebuilding, and Saturn, the planet of teaching and showing us the way, were very close together all year and just about when we thought it would get better Jupiter, the planet of expansion and growth, bumped into them and just exploded. Pluto is rebuilding now and we can hope to see a much better 2021 utilizing what we have learned from Saturn. Saturn showed us what is truly important such as family, humanity, God and country. We have learned to reduce our need for material things and focus on those that are close to us and the understanding that we are one with the Universe. Moving forward we will find ourselves much more confident in our ability to overcome obstacles put in our way, Saturn has been teaching us well. These planets are pulling apart now and we will see a gradual return to our routines but in a much more educated way. Jupiter will expand our awareness and ability to move forward. It will be better, some things different, but we know that we can do this, it's all good! Don't forget to breathe!!