Monday, December 23, 2019

New Moon-Solar Eclipse

New Moon-Solar Eclipse December 26, 2019 at 12:13 AM (EST) in the sign of Capricorn. High energy to move things forward and being responsible. Capricorn energy is also high on wisdom and knowledge. This is time to put things into motion that have been side lined with the new moon energy especially with the solar eclipse. This solar eclipse energy can last up to 6 months so we need to make good use of it. There will be endings, some not important and some very important, however it is all for the greater good. Capricorn energy is good for growing and balancing and being level headed. If you've procrastinated about purging anything in your life now is a good time to take care of that which doesn't serve you any longer. Capricorn is an earth sign so is hard to get it to move, but once it does, look out! (Think earthquakes!) There will be a settling down, calmness for a few weeks as we put our determination to work for us. It's a busy time, don't forget to breathe!!

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Full Moon

Full Moon in the sign of Gemini, December 12, 2019 at 12:12 AM EST. Chatty, Chatty, Chatty. Lots of talking, communication with a lot of emotion. Beware of two sided conversations, saying one thing and meaning another. Gemini is an air sign so might encounter some "air-head" moments. However, this can mean a lot of partying with the last full moon of the year. People also will be very opinionated without a lot of justification because of lots of high energy with mercury (communication planet) moving forward. The holidays leading up to Christmas will be busy and stressful being pulled in so many directions. Enjoy every minute since there will be a solar eclipse December 26 and reality hits. It's all good and may everyone has a joyous, happy and safe holiday season, it will be a fun time. Oh, and don't forget to breathe!

Monday, November 25, 2019

New Moon

There will be a new moon in Sagittarius, November 26, 2019 at 10:05 EST. Expect renewed energy and confidence to return moving forward. Mercury is now stationary direct with movement December 8 and we will be feeling the calmness, breathing a sigh of relief. Mercury played havoc with communication and electronics. Now is a good time to put our plans in to place before eclipse season in late December which will bring us more of what we ask for from the universe. Always think positive as our thoughts can be our reality. Be wary of weight gain over the next few weeks as Jupiter is going to change signs and become a little more attention oriented, Jupiter likes to expand and grow. Neptune will be coming out of retrograde and we will be having more dreams and our intuition will be activated. Pay attention to the a-ha moments for some revealing subjects. Also, be careful of deceptive advertising. Venus will be around bringing us great relationships and maybe revealing some interesting facts about past ones, pay attention, could be interesting!! It's all good, be sure to breathe!

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Full Moon

The moon will be full on November 12, 2019 at 8:38 EST. With the full moon and mercury retrograde together we may feel pulled in many different directions. We start projects only to have them become more than we bargained for and a little discouraging. High emotional time so be sure to try and pace yourself and be calm. This comment from Insights in Modern Astrology sort of puts it all in perspective: "Mercury has gone retrograde again and is in Scorpio. That means mean girls part two. Drama, backbiting and complete misunderstanding will rule the week. Distract and entertain yourself by following the little black dot crossing the face of the Sun. It’s our friend Mercury and it won’t do that again until 2032. We’ve got a full moon in Taurus on Tuesday. Cue the wrap it up signal. It’s time to finish those projects, put bedding on the gardens and swap out the wardrobe for the next season's clothes." Whew! Don't forget to breathe!

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Mercury retrograde

Mercury will begin it's retrograde course tomorrow, October 31. Mercury goes retrograde approximately three times a year for about 3 weeks. The shadow period is about 10 days before and after. This retrograde will end November 20 with a few days to recover. During this time expect miscommunications and misunderstandings. Don't start anything new or sign major paper work that hasn't been completely reviewed. Computers and related equipment will misfire and cause frustrations. This is a great time to review new projects, completing those projects that have been ongoing for a while and releasing anything that isn't serving our higher purpose. Great time to clean out that attic or basement releasing emotional baggage and while you are doing all that don't forget to breathe!!

Saturday, October 26, 2019

New Moon

New Moon in the sign of Scorpio, October 27, 2019 at 11:30 EST PM. New moons are always opportunities for new beginnings and fresh starts. Scorpio is the sign of darkness, deep secrets and release from the past. In order for new beginnings with this new moon we will have to push back against our own dark thoughts and regrets. Uranus and the moon will be opposing one another and this will only cause us to have anxious feelings dealing with our demons. For the new few days remember to stay in the moment and take everything as it comes and not put yourself in compromising situations. Some feelings we can look at objectively and throw away and some we will just have to deal with in a more positive way. Moving forward from all this conflict is a good thing during the next few days or so when the energy calms down. It's all meant for our higher good and is important to not forget to breathe!!

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Full Moon

There is a full Harvest Moon on October 13, 2019. This moon falls in the sign of Aries sudden explosive happenings and frustrations. We've been feeling the frustrations of the weather changes and driving patterns with construction among other things. The only way to deal with all of that is to take a deep breath and power through. The good thing about Aries is that it is all about a lot of energy. Energy to plan social meetings, fall cleaning, purging and just plain getting things done. While everyone is feeling this energy it can cross over to affect us, try not to let their energy drain your energy. Don't forget to breathe!

Saturday, September 28, 2019

New Moon

New Moon in Libra, September 28, 2019 at 2:28 PM, the sign of balance and relationships. This is a great moon for new beginnings for all types of relationships. Letting go of those that don't serve us and starting with new ones. We have relationships with other people and those will gain and move forward. Have you noticed the extra phone call and "lets meet up". Keep in mind we have relationships with "things" in our lives and this is a good time to renew our feelings for them or disperse them. Also, don't forget the most important relationship which is the one we have with ourselves. Great time to forgive, rejoice and have a fantastic relationship with just us! Don't forget to breathe!

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Saturn direct

Happy Saturn direct day. Saturn the planet of Karma, lessons and teaching has been retrograde since April 29, 2019. If you been feeling sluggish, temper mental and overwhelmed that could be the reason. Now is the time to move some of our dreams and issues forward. We've been shown some lessons that needed to be learned and now it's time to put them into practice. There have been some endings but these will lead to bright new beginnings. The sluggishness will gradually dissipate and we will feel more energetic. Pluto the planet of transformation will soon move forward also and with this combination we will all be doused with clear thinking and purpose. We have learned our lessons (or should have) and now it's time to put everything in order! Don't forget to breathe!

Friday, September 13, 2019

Full Moon

There is a full moon in the sign of Pisces September 14, 2019 (EST) at 12:33 AM. While some time zones will experience the moon on September 13, 2019. The energy with this moon has been heavy for the past week and very confusing. Relationships of all kinds have been the focus and will calm down in a few days. Some people will have been on edge more than others and it is very confusing. This is a great time to let go and keep in our own space. Some deceptions will become apparent and we may be surprised at the outcome. Patience is required since this harvest moon will affect people differently, hence the confusion. However, there could be some great opportunities to move ahead with some great projects and great time to pursue them. Don't forget to breathe!!

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

New Moon Virgo

New moon in the sign of Virgo, August 30, 2019 at. 6:39 AM. Time to take charge of your health and making those changes to enhance your well-being. This could mean releasing stressful situations and/or people. This is a great time to start over and prepare for something new. Everyone will experience a lot of good energy to move forward. Mercury is now direct along with Jupiter so this is a good time for conversations that are productive especially with the holidays looming. Saturn is still retrograde, however slowing down to turn direct and this means that we've been spinning our wheels trying to put things in motion, gradually it will get better and by the middle of September we will have a breakthrough. This is a great time to release frustrations, gain our patience and move forward, will be a lot easier!! Don't forget to breathe!

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Full Moon Aquarius

August 15, 2019 at 8:09 AM is a full moon in the sign of Aquarius. Aquarius is a thinking outside of the box sign, expect flashes of insight for the next 30 days. With Jupiter direct and moving forward motion and mercury direct and moving everything is unstoppable!! Uranus is retrograde so there may have been some sudden upheaval but should settle down soon. With the sun, venus and mars all conjunct with the full moon we may see relationships with a lot of excitement. Some endings may come but only to make room for the new. Will be busy, busy, busy, but all good. It's about time, enjoy! Don't forget to breathe!!

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

New Moon

July 31, 2019 there is a late day new moon in Leo, the sign of the Lion and the Sun. Also, Mercury will station direct at the same time effectively ending a really rough Mercury retrograde. This retrograde had many ups and downs, so many repairs to homes, computers, telephones, electronics of all kinds, doctor appointments and test results being confused, endings of those items no longer serving us and so much miscommunication (don't take anything personally). The next few days will be a clean up period and then we can breathe a collective sigh of relief and build on the good that is going to happen. New moons are new beginnings and the sign of Leo gives us the energy and enthusiasm to do just that. Happy Leo season and move forward with grace and determination!! Don't forget to breathe!

Monday, July 15, 2019

Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse

The full moon in Capricorn at 5:38 PM on July 16, 2019 is a Lunar Eclipse. This means the energy felt during a full moon is amplified with the eclipse. Dreams have been especially strong and carry with them some messages that we may need to pay attention to, is there a change coming in your future? This is an emotional full moon filled with frustration and just wanting to be left alone. Attitudes about family, friends and coworkers will be reevaluated. Because of Mercury Retrograde being in the mix it is best not to make major decisions regarding any letting go or purging, you will feel differently after August. Eclipses have strong energy and the energy usually lasts for a few months so we may feel unsettled for a while. Great time for cleaning out and resetting ourselves like a reboot. Don't forget to breathe!

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Mercury Retrograde

Mercury goes retrograde July 7, 2019 at 7:19 PM in the sign of Leo. The next three weeks will be challenging with communication, automobiles and real estate, also computers and electronics. Be careful when communicating especially with e-mails and social media as everything can be misunderstood easily. Automobiles and driving can be challenging with road work, weather and distracted drivers, practice defensive driving. Not a good idea to buy an automobile at this time unless the process is almost completed. May find real estate deals delayed, moving can take longer than anticipated. We all know computers sometimes have a mind of their own and it seems like they flip out more during a retrograde. On the bright side of mercury retrograde this is a great time to bring projects to completion, purge our closets and anything or anyone we wish to see gone. Time to relax and go with the flow investigating projects or new beginnings when it goes direct in August. Anything unusual happening now will settle down when mercury goes direct so don't believe everything you hear, patience is very important. Don't forget to breathe!

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Solar Eclipse/New Moon

July 2, 2019 at 3:16 PM there will a total solar eclipse in the sign of Cancer. This is an exciting eclipse full of new opportunities and positive changes. Many of you have been experiencing this energy over the last month or so leading up to the eclipse and have been pleasantly surprised. Great time for family, friendships and nurturing. Making room for the positive changes however brings with it some endings. Some endings have been our decision or some have been made for us. Don't despair as these endings have had to be made in order for the new changes to come. We will experience some of this energy over the next months leading up to the next total solar eclipse in December. This is a great time to initiate new friendships, new creative projects and self-growth. Keeping in mind that mercury goes retrograde July 7 and rules communications, don't sign anything without checking it over, remember mercury is a time of completion and reorganizing and the solar eclipse will help with making it all a little easier. Don't forget to breathe!

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Full Moon

Full Moon June 17, 2019, 4:31 AM, Sagittarius. This full moon energy will be slow to assert itself and then will gradually become more intense throughout the day. We will find ourselves being pulled in many directions and really not able to delegate. Our intuition will be very high and we should slow down and listen to ourselves; giving us the insight we need to move forward. This is a great time to release people, items, weight, pain and other situations that may restrict our movement. We have been receiving insights as to what direction we might want to investigate moving to, but are we listening? Remember that the intensity of the full moon affects everyone differently and it is imperative to have patience. Pay attention to your dreams as they may have hidden messages to help you cope with unusual changes. This energy will last for at least the next 10 days, so don't forget to breathe!

Monday, June 10, 2019

Grand Trine

For everyone who have expressed that it feels like a Mercury Retrograde, but isn't, here is an explanation. Be aware that this will last about a week with a short reprieve and the shadow of the retrograde starts. Hopefully everyone will be a little calmer knowing the reason for all the confusion so "Don’t be surprised if confusion reigns supreme this week. Is it a Mercury retrograde? No. It’s a Mutable Grand Cross between the Sun in Gemini, Moon in Virgo, Jupiter in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces. Delays, deadlocks and dead ends may feature as a result around the 10th -11th. People may get so bogged down in minutiae they are unable to move forward as they insist I’s are dotted and T’s crossed. Or they may have their own reasons for wanting to derail matters which have yet to come to light (they will if this is the case)." From Michele Knight. Whatever you do, don't forget to breathe!!

Sunday, June 2, 2019

New Moon

June 3, 2019 at 6:02 AM EST ushers in a new moon of new beginnings in the sign of Gemini, the twins. We can expect lots of chatting and being very busy with social commitments. Great time to initiate new starts and meeting new people. People will be more forthcoming right now, however, don't believe everything you hear with Neptune (the planet of illusion) in the mix. Take walks, plant gardens and enjoy the fresh new opportunities. Take advantage of this time before June 20 when Mercury will enter it's retrograde shadow time and we all know what that means (all that miscommunication)! Use your time wisely as this is a very busy time, try not to get overwhelmed! Don't forget to breathe!

Friday, May 17, 2019

Full Moon

Full Moon May 18, 2019 at 5:11 PM in Scorpio. This is a high energy full moon of surprises, twists and turns. Scorpio is a deep, dark sign and is very secretive. Be aware of unusual things happening that haven't happened maybe ever. Lots of secrets revealed and maybe some not so pleasant. Be careful of self-deception such as what are we not admitting to ourselves. This is a great time to purge all things or people that do not serve our higher purpose. It is a good idea to listen to our intuition and observe what it tells us about any questions we have to solve some issues. A great time to spend some time with ourselves doing all those things we enjoy but keep putting off. Planting flowers and growing new ideas are paramount! Don't forget to breathe!

Friday, May 3, 2019

New Moon

May 4, 2019 at 6:46 PM (EST) there will be a new moon in Taurus. Taurus is ruled by Venus and new moons are for new beginnings. You may meet someone new and have a great connection or if you are in a relationship you may become closer. This is a bright time for fresh starts and moving forward. We will all feel more grounded and relaxed as the month of May moves forward. Saturn, the teacher, and Pluto, the re-inventor, are retrograde through this time and we will rethink our direction. There will be endings and some very sad, however they are happening in order for us to move forward to our intended destination. Answers will be easier to find and we may act on the results, just an easier time than what has been going on lately. Enjoy this fresh, new beginning and the start of spring. Plant something new and beautiful to grow throughout this month. Don't forget to breathe!

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Full Moon Libra

Full Moon in relationship craving balance Libra April 19, 2019. Libra, the sign of the scales, requires balance in all things or it can get very frustrating. The Full Moon in Libra will focus on relationships and require we align them the best that we can. Be aware that some decisions regarding balance can be made in haste and without the required patience. We may need to make some decisions letting go, just do the diligence needed to keep our perspective. With Mercury just transiting in to the sign of Aries people will seem a little on edge, the planet Mercury rules communication, Aries is a fire, energy sign. Watch out for people speaking out of turn or being snappy. With the full moon energy this will seem a little excessive. Don't believe everything you hear as everyone will try and make it their reality as they see it to retain balance. As Libra starts to change signs it will be much better and settled in a few days. Just don't forget to breathe!!

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Jupiter retrograde

Jupiter, the planet of expansion and good things, will be retrograde starting April 10, 2019 for the next four months. We have been enjoying great progress and opportunities everywhere with almost too many choices. With this retrograde period we will find ourselves with some dilemmas deciding if this is the time to stay or go. Should we change our careers, leaving our current employers. Should we marry, or postpone that decision. Remember if those decisions have been made this will be a time of being at peace with them. Lots of "what ifs" going on. This is the best time to reevaluate and take things slow, don't be rash. However, this is also a very lucky time to take a chance on new beginnings which could turn into something special when Jupiter turns direct in August. Words from Dennis Fairchild I find are relative: And Day One of retro Jupiter and the I-Ching remind that: “… obstacles are a natural part of life, just as boulders are a natural part of the course of a river. The river does not complain or get depressed because there are boulders in its path.” Don't forget to breathe!!

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Full Moon/Spring Equinox

Full Moon March 20 coincides with the spring equinox. Whew, quite a lot of energy. Most of us will feel the shift of new beginnings and fresh starts. The full moon will bring reevaluations in relationships, personal and professional. Some will survive, others will change and some will just move on. This is happening in order for the new fresh starts to come and, without the upheavals we will be feeling, we wouldn't make the necessary changes. Some changes will be difficult others will be easy, either way it's all for our good. Stability is key and that which we would want to strive for to keep our balance. Remember Mercury is still retrograde until March 28 so communications will be haywire. It's all good, don't forget to breathe!!

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

New Moon in Pisces

March 5, 2019 the moon darkens and becomes a new moon of new beginnings. Pisces rules empathy, intuition and secrets revealed. Be aware of the subtle signals of offers of something new coming your way. Trust your intuition as you will get flashes of "ah hah" moments that will reveal your direction which may take you where you didn't expect. Uranus, the planet of unexpected happenings, will enter the sign of Taurus the bull. Think of a bull in a china shop being careful where you step in case you bump in to something. The good thing of this change is stability and stubbornness without the explosions involved when it was in the sign of Aires. Keeping in mind that mercury is retrograde ruling communication, computers and missed appointments or misunderstandings making this an interesting time, try not to take it too personally as it's affecting everyone in different ways. Projects or paperwork started at this time may not go as planned so be very diligent and precise as may have to have a do over. Don't forget to breathe!!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Mercury retrograde

Mercury retrograde heads up begins March 6, 2019. The shadow period is now and a good time to wrap things up such as signing contracts, working on income taxes and putting finishing touches on projects. This doesn't mean everything will be a disaster it just means communication may be a little more frustrating. Watch installing those new apps and programs on computers and phones, lots of annoying moments will take a little longer to implement. The retrograde is not all frustrating because those things we've been working on will come to completion and we will breathe a sigh of relief. Some decisions that have we've been going round and round on will finally be made with great results. Some words from Dennis Fairchild: "If you hit a wall today, give yourself cosmic permission to climb over it, crawl under it, or dance on top of it. Tuesday's lunar Sadge star stuff supports declaring your independence from self-defeating habits and people; being open to suggestions; exercising; breaking free of social conventions; switching gears; walking the dogs; quieting any critical dialogue you're having with yourself about yourself; going with the spontaneous flow of things. The Archer moon and the I-Ching remind that, “… obstacles are a natural part of life, just as boulders are a natural part of the course of a river. The river does not complain or get depressed because there are boulders in its path.” Be on the lookout for opportunities brilliantly disguised as insoluble problems." Don't forget to breathe!!!

Monday, February 18, 2019

Virgo full moon

February 19, 2019 brings in a super full moon in the sign of Virgo. This will be a moon of practicality and getting things done. If you've been living with confusion and restriction this will be the time of lifting and seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. This will be overwhelming energy so we may have to prioritize our intentions. Since this is a "super" full moon everything will be wilder and more confusing, best to not make rash decisions and take baby steps. Please remember to breathe through it all.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Mars conjunct Uranus

Mars conjunct Uranus instills a blow-up kind of mentality. Expect the unexpected, so in order to prevent any melt downs be sure to breathe and not make any rash decisions. Keeping in mind that this is somehow affecting everyone many people will not understand their annoyances. Driving will be unpredictable with everyone seeming to be erratic, therefore be especially careful. There could be a sudden upheaval on the world stage so watch for it, could be interesting. Be careful with your own responses to others and yourself. Feeling restricted and trapped will be one of the side effects so make all this energy work for you. Clean closets, go for a long walk, and organize. By Thursday, Valentine's Day, the energy will be significantly reduced and will make for a nice day and weekend. Be calm and carry on this week, it's all good and don't forget to breathe!!

Thursday, January 31, 2019

New Moon in Aquarius

February 4, 2019 at 4:04 PM there will be a new moon in the sign of Aquarius. The sign of thinking outside of the box, stubbornness and helpfulness. This is a good luck moon and if you need to solve a problem you may want to approach it from a different perspective. This is an exciting time as all planets are moving forward and so we can too. People may appear frustrated and angry due to their limiting circumstances. We may want to learn from them and be sure to not limit ourselves to someone else's opinion. Saturn is the planet that rules the cold and Capricorn is the sign that also rules the cold and since Saturn is visiting in the sign of Capricorn for the next two years we can expect these severe temperature swings. Since Saturn is the teacher we may want to learn from this experience and take steps to protect ourselves. Stay warm and don't forget to breathe!!

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Full Moon/Supermoon

There is a Full Moon/Super moon Lunar Eclipse January 21, 2019 at 12:16 AM/EST. Full moons are very powerful, but with a lunar eclipse the energy is increased enormously. This moon will bring positive changes and opportunities, it may be intense. We must pay attention to the subtle advantages that will come our way and have the courage to keep an open mind. This is a moon of releasing and purging. It may be difficult to let go but we may have to in order to move forward with the changes that are to benefit us in the long term. We may have been feeling some anxiety over things we could not control as well as dealing with others feeling the same. Relax as some really nice surprises will come our way. Pay attention, however small, to anything that may indicate a promise for our future happiness. Don't forget to breathe!

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Jupiter in Sagittarius

Astrologically everything is pretty busy, but this is a great time to reevaluate and push forward. Astrologer Tisch Aitken says it really well: This is a time to meditate, magnetize, dream, create and attract. Visualize your dreams and manifest! Jupiter and Neptune are both strong manifesting planets; therefore, to have both planets triggering each other on and off this year in their home signs is huge for manifesting the dream! Jupiter and Neptune squaring each other in their home signs will never happen again so try to manifest and meditate regularly during 2019 to expand your dreams in turbulent times. Jupiter expands whatever it touches, so be wary of being overly emotional or escaping in the fantasy too much. Neptune can involve undoing so focus on healthy escapes and not getting lost in emotions. This is an aspect which says rest and restore. Dream big and please dream a little dream of me! Remember to breathe!

Friday, January 4, 2019

New Moon Solar Eclipse

January 5, 2019 there will be a new moon with a solar eclipse in the sign of Capricorn at 8:28 PM. Lots of excellent changes in store with this eclipse. The last few days have been rather dramatic with some endings, people passing on and relationships ending and reevaluation of our future. Take heart, after the eclipse we will notice many issues resolving in a positive direction. Even though we don't believe it at the time it is for our overall good. This is a great time to more forward with our resolutions and will find relative success. Money, relationship and family issues will level out and become less frustrating. Eclipse energy can last up to two years so this new beginnings moon is a great time to get started. Can't say it'll be smooth sailing all the way but this is great time to experience success. Capricorn is the sign of hard work, loyalty and persistence, let's make it work for us with great happiness. Don't forget to breathe!