Sunday, April 30, 2017

Mercury Direct

Happy May! May 2nd Mercury will finally go direct and the fog we've been experiencing will start to lift. Things will gradually become clearer as the shadow period ends in about 10 days. However, Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter are still retrograde teaching us lessons and holding us back. Remember that Saturn is the "boss" and teacher allowing us to revisit and fix what needs fixing. Think of, for example, the boss having you redo a report because something is missing. Great A-ha moments of what we have forgotten in order to move forward. Pluto is transformation and when retrograde we hardly notice what's going on, for example we may find our favorite restaurant has lost its allure and we will be finding a new favorite. Jupiter retrograde just holds us back keeping us from having the incentive and expansion to move forward, we just have to slog through. If we follow the lessons being shown to us good things will happen and we can adjust beautifully. May is a wonderful month for bright new beginnings. Is all good, don't forget to breathe!

Monday, April 17, 2017

Planet energy

Monday's keep it real-lunar Capricorn vibe makes this the perfect day for burning obsolete bridges, breaking a taboo or two, and working just a bit harder towards bringing more control into your life. Stop feeding any feelings that makes you scared to change what needs to be changed, adds the Sun— work to bring more relief and release into your life. "The key," reminds Stephen Covey and Neptune, "is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities." Tell your ego and fears that you're not going to be their slave anymore" (Dennis Fairchild) With all the planetary energy right now this is very relevant, have courage and take time to breathe!

Thursday, April 6, 2017


Saturn turned retrograde today until August 2017. We may find things that have been put in place facing some challenges. The idea during Saturn retrograde is that those challenges we face will make us that much stronger when it goes direct. It is a good thing to study and respond to things that don't serve us anymore carefully no matter how painful - the reward will come when Saturn turns direct and we will have an "a ha" moment showing us what Saturn was trying to teach. However, on top of Saturn retrograde we now have Mercury going retrograde April 9 until May 4th. As with all Mercury retrogrades not a good time to invest in electronics or start new ventures. Communications will go awry, be careful what you post on Social Media. Is a good time to reevaluate, redo and bring things to completion. Jupiter will still be retrograde dampening the whole process. On a light note Venus goes direct April 15, woo hoo! Now redecorating and renewing things will go easier and not so many returns of items we thought we liked but ended up not working out. Oh, and a full Moon April 11 in Libra (relationships, balance) adding to all this intense energy. The best idea is not to get angry quickly and make fast radical decisions. Take your time to look at everything objectively and it will all work out well. Very good time to breathe!!