Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Full Moon

Full Moon in the sign of Aries at 5:05 PM, October 1, 2020. Feeling jittery, impatient and unfocused for the next few days is a result of the Aries full moon. A feeling of "having had it" will prevail and could cause us to not concentrate and make mistakes so be very mindful. The full moon energy will gradually lift but we will be tired and unmotivated. Aries energy will allow us to pick ourselves up and with Saturn (planet of learning and retriction) going direct from being retrograde for a while) will also help us to move forward. Stay away from negative influences and "the sky is falling" mentality. As we brace ourselves for Mercury (miscommunications) going retrograde October 5, 2020 (feeling the energy now) we will see miscommunication, misunderstand and just "mis" everything. Don't believe everything you hear and see. This is a time to use whatever energy we have left to move forward with daily tasks for a feeling of instant gratification. It will be an interesting few weeks as Mercury will go direct on November 3, 2020. Hang on to your hats and don't forget to breathe!!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

New Moon

New Moon September 17, 2020 at 7 AM, EST in the sign of Virgo. This is a sign that likes to be very detail oriented. New moons are always a great time for new beginnings. It will be a good time to look at our finances and relationships to reevaluate where we are going with them and reprioritize. There is a lot of cosmic energy going on right now and confusion is keeping us from moving forward. Gradually we will notice that everything is lightening up, however with this new energy we need to pay attention to our feelings. Don't let anyone take advantage of you during this time of putting new things in to place. Visualize how you would like to see things moving forward in a positive way and you can make it happen. Don't forget to breathe!