Friday, May 17, 2019

Full Moon

Full Moon May 18, 2019 at 5:11 PM in Scorpio. This is a high energy full moon of surprises, twists and turns. Scorpio is a deep, dark sign and is very secretive. Be aware of unusual things happening that haven't happened maybe ever. Lots of secrets revealed and maybe some not so pleasant. Be careful of self-deception such as what are we not admitting to ourselves. This is a great time to purge all things or people that do not serve our higher purpose. It is a good idea to listen to our intuition and observe what it tells us about any questions we have to solve some issues. A great time to spend some time with ourselves doing all those things we enjoy but keep putting off. Planting flowers and growing new ideas are paramount! Don't forget to breathe!

Friday, May 3, 2019

New Moon

May 4, 2019 at 6:46 PM (EST) there will be a new moon in Taurus. Taurus is ruled by Venus and new moons are for new beginnings. You may meet someone new and have a great connection or if you are in a relationship you may become closer. This is a bright time for fresh starts and moving forward. We will all feel more grounded and relaxed as the month of May moves forward. Saturn, the teacher, and Pluto, the re-inventor, are retrograde through this time and we will rethink our direction. There will be endings and some very sad, however they are happening in order for us to move forward to our intended destination. Answers will be easier to find and we may act on the results, just an easier time than what has been going on lately. Enjoy this fresh, new beginning and the start of spring. Plant something new and beautiful to grow throughout this month. Don't forget to breathe!