Saturday, March 19, 2016

Happy Birthday Aries!

Happy Birthday Aries, Happy Spring equinox, Saturn square Jupiter, Neptune slightly off square with Pluto, a lunar eclipse in Libra (relationships) and a moon conjunct Neptune. Wow, wonder if we'll survive all of this energy! Best way to deal with all of this is to focus and put the energy to work for you, spring cleaning might be a good idea since people will be annoyed and annoying, don't take anything personally!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Post Solar Eclipse

We are now in the post Solar Eclipse period heading toward the lunar eclipse in Libra. We will be feeling a lot of emotional endings and hearing a lot of endings. People leaving and/or losing their jobs, relationships and walking away from things that just don't serve us. We are experiencing crazy dreams and disillusionment over many of the things we are doing, however on a good note soon there will be new exciting beginnings after letting go of the old. Good time to sing, dance and clean closets!!

Monday, March 7, 2016

New Moon Solar Eclipse

March 8, 2016 will be a Solar Eclipse in Pisces. This is a super moon eclipse which means everything is much more pronounced. Lots of energy more for some than others. You will have been feeling this energy for a little while and will continue until at least the next Solar eclipse if not longer. Some will find endings whether wanted or not or just high emotional responses to ongoing issues. This is a very good time to put out intentions for changes we would like to see made to ourselves and our circumstances. Always remember to not wish harm as that can come back to us but to wish for the best outcome. While we may experience endings we will also experience new beginnings that are in our best interest even if we do not think they serve us. Letting go of what doesn't serve us will leave room for those new beginnings. All these emotional changes can cause great moodiness and anxiety so try to stay in the "now" moment and remember that other people are experiencing their own frustrations and may not know what is happening. Best to just breathe!!!(sometimes stronger than others!)