Monday, March 27, 2017

Aries New Moon

The moon becomes dark in Aries at 10:57 PM EST today. This is the first new moon of the astrological new year after the spring equinox. If you haven't followed through with New Year's resolutions now is a good time to reevaluate and start anew. This is a moon of new beginnings and taking care of ourselves. We cannot be there for someone else if we are not there for us. This is a powerful time to visualize or journal wishes we may like to see come to fruition this year such as letting go of people or things that don't serve us and bringing in new ones. Purging, renewing and freshening up ourselves and our surroundings is a good theme to have right now. It's all good, don't forget to breathe!

Monday, March 20, 2017

Happy Spring Equinox

Happy Spring Equinox and astrological new year. With Saturn conjunct the moon today we will be conflicted with wanting to complete projects and just procrastinating. This spring will bring high energy along with unusual relationship concerns. Venus retrograde is requiring us to go within to judge how employment, coworkers, and general interaction with people are serving our needs. This is a time to not make quick decisions about our future but to take a second look at what is happening and tweek a little. The spring equinox means new beginnings dusting off the "winter" ones and maybe refreshing those calling it spring cleaning. Feeling compelled to make decisions and changes are happening but taking a slow a steady approach is best enjoying the new fresh springtime. It's all good, time to breathe!!

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Venus Retrograde

Today March 4, 2017 Venus goes retrograde through April 15, 2017. Venus the planet of love, money and beauty will be giving us a challenging time. This is a time to recognize the stresses in our relationships and find a way to heal them in a positive way. Venus will bring a challenge to this so might not be the best time to "break up" because one may regret it when Venus goes direct. Money will be an issue in the way of trying to "balance the checkbook". This is a great time to reevaluate our finances and find the leaks to make for a more stable future. It seems fitting that tax returns are due by April 15-17 because that's where our focus will be, don't make any major changes just yet. This is definitely not a good time to get a face lift or remodeling as Venus will find a way to make it more difficult and the results may not be as imagined. As with all retrogrades smaller is better and double checking in these areas is key. Breathe!