Friday, October 30, 2020

Full Moon

There is a full moon on October 31, 2020 at 10:30 AM in the sign of Taurus. Full moons expand and make larger anything that we are dealing with, people, places and things. It is a blue moon and that means it is the second full moon of the month so it makes the energy of the full moon evem larger. We will be feeling high anxiety and insecurity. Taurus likes security so we will be putting into place necessary precautions to provide the security we will need for the next month or so. The virus and the election are causing a lot of issues, however remember while mercury is retrograde don't believe everything you hear. Mercury stations direct November 3 and starts moving forward a few days later, expect frustation. Take necessary precautions but be discriminating when being told anything. The virus will gradually dissapate as Saturn/Pluto gradually pull apart, but still be careful. Keep your own council and realize everyone has an agenda and it may not be yours. The full moon will expand this retoric. Be safe and don't forget to breathe!!

Thursday, October 15, 2020

New Moon

There will be a new moon in the sign of Libra, October 16, 2020 at 3:31 PM (EST). Libra is the sign of balance in all things especially relationships. If you've been feeling strain in your relationships lately now is a good time to put in place a new beginning and mindset. Libra can be unpredictable when out of balance so expect the unexpected. While Mercury is retrograde until November 3 this is a good time to work on projects that are mundance and completing them. Mercury retrograde (in the sign of Scorpio) means miscommunication and secrets revealed, be prepared. Keep in mind that Libra strives and does well when in balance and Mercury will upend that balance, be careful with words and actions. This is a great time to complete projects and do those things that bring instant gratification. It's all good, don't forget to breathe!