Tuesday, July 30, 2019

New Moon

July 31, 2019 there is a late day new moon in Leo, the sign of the Lion and the Sun. Also, Mercury will station direct at the same time effectively ending a really rough Mercury retrograde. This retrograde had many ups and downs, so many repairs to homes, computers, telephones, electronics of all kinds, doctor appointments and test results being confused, endings of those items no longer serving us and so much miscommunication (don't take anything personally). The next few days will be a clean up period and then we can breathe a collective sigh of relief and build on the good that is going to happen. New moons are new beginnings and the sign of Leo gives us the energy and enthusiasm to do just that. Happy Leo season and move forward with grace and determination!! Don't forget to breathe!

Monday, July 15, 2019

Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse

The full moon in Capricorn at 5:38 PM on July 16, 2019 is a Lunar Eclipse. This means the energy felt during a full moon is amplified with the eclipse. Dreams have been especially strong and carry with them some messages that we may need to pay attention to, is there a change coming in your future? This is an emotional full moon filled with frustration and just wanting to be left alone. Attitudes about family, friends and coworkers will be reevaluated. Because of Mercury Retrograde being in the mix it is best not to make major decisions regarding any letting go or purging, you will feel differently after August. Eclipses have strong energy and the energy usually lasts for a few months so we may feel unsettled for a while. Great time for cleaning out and resetting ourselves like a reboot. Don't forget to breathe!

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Mercury Retrograde

Mercury goes retrograde July 7, 2019 at 7:19 PM in the sign of Leo. The next three weeks will be challenging with communication, automobiles and real estate, also computers and electronics. Be careful when communicating especially with e-mails and social media as everything can be misunderstood easily. Automobiles and driving can be challenging with road work, weather and distracted drivers, practice defensive driving. Not a good idea to buy an automobile at this time unless the process is almost completed. May find real estate deals delayed, moving can take longer than anticipated. We all know computers sometimes have a mind of their own and it seems like they flip out more during a retrograde. On the bright side of mercury retrograde this is a great time to bring projects to completion, purge our closets and anything or anyone we wish to see gone. Time to relax and go with the flow investigating projects or new beginnings when it goes direct in August. Anything unusual happening now will settle down when mercury goes direct so don't believe everything you hear, patience is very important. Don't forget to breathe!