Sunday, December 31, 2017

Happy New Year - 2018

As we say goodbye to 2017 we may just get emotional. So many endings, beginnings, conflict and frustrations! Onward we go in to 2018 with a hopeful heart and an opportunity to put everything in to place one step at a time with help from Saturn our teacher. 2018 is a number 9 year of bringing things to completion and moving forward leaving the old behind, this could mean new employment opportunities, new family and friends and putting to rest our depressive thoughts. Bring it on with all the good that will be made aware to us and all the wonderful people we will meet, some opportunities we will have, some challenging, some not so much. Happy New Year to one and all and many blessings! Don't forget to breathe, it's all good!!

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Merry Christmas

Christmas day is going to be very nice and full of surprises! Finally feeling a little more mellow with Mercury moving forward and we will be less upset. Our dreams seem to be more prolific right now there could be a message in them so pay attention if you can. We will be looking at things a little more pragmatically since Saturn (planet of teaching) is coming to the forefront changing signs into Capricorn (sign of practicality). Be careful of overindulgence because we may say to ourselves at the end of the day "Why did I do that?". Having fun is the order of the day with really nice surprises, all in all a wonderful day for family and friends. To everyone have a Merry Christmas and don't forget to breathe!!

Sunday, December 17, 2017

New Moon/Saturn in Capricorn

There is going to be so much energy this week we may find ourselves running around in circles. The new moon December 18 is in Sagittarius and this means we will want to move forward with whatever we are trying to accomplish (Christmas perhaps). Mercury is still in retrograde until the 22nd and will pull us backward so it's "two steps forward and one step back" this week, so be prepared so you don't get too frustrated. In the mix Saturn (the planet of restriction and learning) will be changing signs from flighty Sagittarius and going in to serious down to earth Capricorn. As you feel the sigh of relief on December 20 from the intensity of Saturn in Sagittarius you start to feel more of a sense of responsibility and detail focus with Saturn in Capricorn. Capricorn likes to "put his nose to the grindstone" so not too much flightiness there, just a lot of hard work that will turn out to be positive in the long run. Patience is the key here and try to look at everything with a positive spin because it's all good! Don't forget to breathe!

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Full Moon/Mercury Retrograde

Mercury the trickster goes retrograde today and early tomorrow is a full super moon in Gemini. No wonder we are all feeling confused and disoriented. This is a great time to complete projects, purge the old such as responsibilities, clutter and maybe some relationships. Don't feel guilty, is just the natural order of things. Not an excellent time to start something new, but is a good time to reevaluate our direction. The full moon in Gemini will have some people talking one way and thinking another and could cause a lot of confusion. Patience will definitely be required. This is a busy time with the holidays so is important to pay attention to receipts and purchases so returns that Mercury rules (mostly electronics) will be minimal. Gemini full moon is lots of fun but confusion may reign with parties, friends, family and miscommunication. Be diligent (make your list and check it twice) and everything will go well and fun. Don't forget to breathe!