Monday, December 28, 2020

Full Moon

There is a full moon December 29, 2020 at 10:28 PM (EST) in the sign of Cancer. Cancer is the sign of comfort and understanding. However, with Mars heading for a conjunction with Uranus this is anything but understanding (both fire signs are sudden, explosive and unexpected). Emotions are volatile and tired. Prepare yourself for misunderstandings and hurt feelings so be careful of your words. This will pass in a day or so but reverberates. Keeping with close family and friends is desirable right now as this is where your comfort will come from. There will be a lot of high energy to purge and redistribute. Use this high energy to work for you and put those things we've been meaning to do in motion. With the New Year just around the corner this will give us the energy to "slide" in to the new beginnings that we have been promising ourselves. Happy New Year 2021, don't forget to breathe!!

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Winter Solstice/Grand Conjunction

December 21, 2020 brings the Winter Solstice and shining more light as our days get slightly longer leading up to the spring solstice. Along with the winter solstice there is a grand conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter also known as the Christmas star. Saturn is the teacher of the solar system and Jupiter brings expansion. We have been given lessons to learn and some of them have been rather difficult as Jupiter has expanded them to capture our attention. As these two planets conjunct we will sense a renewed hope and confidence in our ability to make positive choices for our future. Saturn rewards when it is paid attention to and Jupiter will expand on that reward. We will pay less attention to material "things" and more attention to those we care for and make loved ones our priority. Renewed hope is within all of us as we move forward with the help of learning new things and expanding on them with great enthusiasm! Don't forget to breathe!

Sunday, December 13, 2020

New Moon/Solar Eclipse

There is a new moon/solar eclipse on December 14, 2020 at 11:17 AM (EST) in the sign of Sagitarius. When the moon conjuncts the Sun we can expect great new beginnings. The fire sign of Sagitarius grants us high energy and resolve. A new moon of improving relationships whether with others or ouselves. Eclipse season has been a time of great emotional distress and reevaluation and now we can feel confident moving forward with our decisions. We have let go of much of what doesn't serve us and now this is a great time to open our minds to wonderful bright fresh starts. Starting a new project or new relationship will be bright and merry. A Solar eclipse emphasises the new starts we all want to experience and now is the time to do just that for ourselves and those closest to us. We can feel the fear and do it anyway. As we move closer to the grand conjunction of Jupiter/Saturn we are experiencing a lot of changes, all for our greater good, more on the conjunction later but we are feeling the energy now leading up to it. Remember it's all good, be safe and don't forget to breathe!!