Thursday, January 23, 2020

New Moon

There is a new moon in the sign of Aquarius January 24, 2020 at 4:42 PM. New moons are always a good time to start putting ideas into fruition. This new moon will bring us more interaction with others which will be unusually productive. Be aware that some may feel agitated and unsettled best to be patient. Any ideas of new beginnings will start to happen. Keep researching your new ideas so the energy of the new moon can help activate them and bring out all the possibilities. A good time to "think outside of the box". It's all good, don't forget to breathe!!

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse on January 10, 2020 at 2:21 PM in the sign of Cancer. This lunar eclipse brings with it a lot of intensity, especially among close personal relationships whether personal or professional. If you've been feeling unusually anxious or nervous that would be the Lunar eclipse energy making itself known to you. There have been and will be a lot of changes within our psychs with this energy and some of us will quietly walk away with a sigh and shake of our heads and others will go screaming and kicking wildly. Either way we will move forward with new thought processes and the ability to easily just let it go. Eclipse energy can last for a few months so we need to pay attention to those things that need purging, changing and rearranging. It's all for our higher good so try to move with it and please don't forget to breathe!

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

New Year 2020

Happy New Year. 2020 will be a year of restructuring and moving in to new territory. There will be a lot of changes, some of which we have started to experience. It will be important to keep ones perspective and research anything that is disturbing. A great year for changing that which doesn't serve us and moving toward a new understanding. There will be some purging in all areas and bringing in the new: feeling the fear and doing it anyway. Reviewing our finances to make them healthy is one process that will be easier along with taking care of our health! It's going to be a good year for working hard, loyalty, staying grounded and success!! From Alan Cohen: "This wonderful new year will be entirely what you make it. Get clear on your priorities and intentions, and the universe will be happy to support you." Many blessings and don't forget to breathe!