Saturday, March 31, 2018

Blue Moon

March 31, 2018 the second full moon of the month is called a "Blue Moon". This full moon falls in the sign of Libra affecting our balance with everything. It has been a challenging week leading up to this full moon with breakups, losses and just plain frustration. Take heart, the energy will dissipate soon and then we can all move forward with a lighter heart. Don't let anyone get under your skin as this energy is affecting them also and we really wouldn't know how, so patience is called for along with understanding. The feeling of not accomplishing everything we want to do will still be strong but remember "baby steps" and it will all fall in to place slowly. Mercury is still retrograde so is a great time to remove those people, items and thoughts from our reality. Great time to plan for the next month or so those new beginnings especially with spring here and "housecleaning", open the windows for the fresh air and don't forget to breathe!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Spring Equinox/Mercury retrograde

Happy Spring! Hope springs eternal, all of our pent up energy will be realized as we bring forth all of our hopes and dreams. Mars is in the sign of Capricorn and that means that energy to put to use in all of our endeavors will be there, learning and purging and moving forward. Be diligent with our research for new beginnings so that pitfalls will not appear. Saying no might be important since everyone is overwhelmed and asking for help, be discriminating. Everything just seems easier but alas, mercury retrograde is in the shadows adding frustration to the mix. Car problems, computer issues (phones) and mix ups in communication will be in place for the next three weeks starting March 22. So much for moving forward, however this is a great time to put plans in to place such as writing our resume or researching that new car or house or complete those plans we've been holding on to for a while. Frustrations abound, don't sign really important papers or start anything new unless looking at everything very closely, it will all be good if we do our homework. All of the good within us honors the good in all of us! Breathe!

Saturday, March 17, 2018

St. Patrick's Day New Moon

New Moon March 17, 2018 at 9:11 AM EST. Don't give up on your dreams. We will find ourselves thinking of all the new things we would like to do and will try to put them in motion. Is a great time to put them in to reality. We have to be careful of being our own worst enemy by talking ourselves out of what we want to do and when others pull us in a different direction. Remember how strong you are and just say no to some requests that are really not your responsibility. Be careful of getting angry with unimportant items, reviewing our reasons because they don't meet our versions of what it is we want. Mars will be moving in to Capricorn soon and our energy stores will be revived to get those things done we have been sitting on. We have what it takes just stay focused! Breathe!

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Full Moon

Full Moon in Virgo, March 1, 2018. This is a dreamy full moon, could we be deceiving ourselves? Things or emotions that have been hidden will be made clear. Make no decisions with Mars in the mix, take your time and be diligent. We will be experiencing some magical excitement and we will know what to do. The full moon brings illumination to many problems we may be experiencing and it also helps put it all in to perspective. We have been feeling the purging and letting go feeling, just be aware of just what it is you are letting go. Some things are more important that others. We will begin to feel more grounded as acceptance creeps in to our consciousness and moving forward will become easier. Soon the Mercury retrograde, along with Jupiter retrograde will be setting up, some obstacles will be in place but all that means is to look at everything with a critical and discriminating eye. Rethink decisions and everything will turn out fine, trust in yourself. Take a deep breath too!