Saturday, December 31, 2016

Happy New Year 2017

Happy New Year 2017. As we say goodbye to the tumultuous year of 2016 we can happily look forward to the new beginnings of 2017. 2016 was a 9 year of endings and major changes upsetting many of us who really don't like change. However, we are looking toward 2017 which is a 1 year of beginnings and fresh starts. Many of us will have to think outside of the box - kind of like an Aquarius to make it all work but work it will. We have started to feel the pull of "lets get this going" feeling and that's the energy of 2017. Putting in the work and keeping an open mind will be the order of the year. We will feel more prosperous and energetic. Mercury goes direct and out of it's shadow January 20, so maybe our communication styles won't be so misunderstood. Venus will go retrograde in March, things we thought we really wanted we will reevaluate as maybe not being for us (no face lifts please!) and will go direct April 16, whew! In the mix are a couple of eclipse's of the moon, solar and lunar and will affect us emotionally so need to keep our perspective. When Saturn goes retrograde in April and Jupiter being retrograde the spring will really slow down. Jupiter goes direct in June with Saturn direct in August a few stops and starts but overall a good summer. With Neptune, Saturn, Uranus and Mercury being retrograde near September we may be dealing with a lot of storms and flooding, be prepared. Uranus is unexpected energy so being retrograde may tone down the thunderstorms a bit. Fall will be beautiful. Mercury won't be retrograde at Christmas next year, but will be retrograde earlier in December keeping that in mind with buying gifts. This year will be a much better year, although there will be the usual ups and downs, however not as dramatic. Keep your perspective, be kind and open-minded and breathe!! Namaste!

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas! In this time of celebrating in the middle of miscommunication Mercury active we have a very nice Saturn trine Uranus which will give everyone a nice time! Expect unexpected good things to happen, people, places and things. We can all appreciate our loved ones those that are still here and those that have gone on but are watching over all of us. Good luck will be happening in the next few days, could be small could be large so look for it! Many blessings to all and make it a great one don't let anyone get you down, breathe! Boost Post

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Winter Solstice

If old troubles have been tripping you up, take a spiritual cold shower in today's Winter Solstice Capricorn-Sun-energies and scrub the past away, and stop whining— be more focused about being stronger and healthier, open yourself up for retro-Merc diversions, and be grand. Keep yourself unclenched throughout today's never-let-'em-see-you-sweat, keep-the-peace moon in Libra— leave complex emotional concerns and heavy physical tasks for another time. Treasure your own beliefs, and draw on your hard-won epiphanies. "First keep the peace within yourself,' wrote TA Kempis in Libra moon-Mars fashion, "then you can also bring peace to others." For now, reward what you like and pursue what you want— and let others to do the same. Hold your head up high, but be careful to keep your nose at a friendly level. Dennis Fairchild says it very well, keep your spirits high and enjoy the moment and don't forget to breathe!! It's all good!

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Mercury retrograde

Great time to finish shopping for Christmas and finding great deals. Tomorrow Mercury goes in to retrograde and everything seems like it's just a little harder and frustrating. Don't fret just keep your perspective and things will slowly fall in to place. Friends and family are the focus and wonderful times to be had, remember to breathe! Boost Post

Monday, December 12, 2016

Full Moon

Full moon on Tuesday, December 13, we will be busier than normal and a bit overwhelmed. Be aware of sales that are not really sales and try to complete most of your Christmas shopping before the mercury retrograde next week, could be delays and returns. If waiting for deliveries be patient, more inclement weather this week, just testing us! Breathe! Boost Post

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Mercury retrograde/Venus Aquarius

Venus goes in to Aquarius today, all Aquarian s will be looking great, feeling good and have nice things happening to them for the next few months. An unusual time for everyone, endings, beginnings, uncertainty, keep breathing. Mercury retrograde is December 19, we are in it's shadow right now, experiencing delays, technology snafu's, watch those Christmas presents being shipped. Also starting voting recounts with the electoral college vote on the day Mercury goes retrograde, those of you familiar with mercury the trickster and those unfamiliar should find these next few weeks especially interesting. Pass the popcorn!

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

New Moon

The new moon in Sagittarius today will open our eyes to those people and things that we value most. There have been eye opening moments after Neptune turned direct and now for the next few months it will be easier to make decisions of whether to stay or should we go. This is also a time of good luck, gifts received and given, some money coming and finding really good deals. Enjoy, the new beginnings will be great! Oh, and don't forget to breathe!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Thanksgiving focus

Great time to plan that great Thanksgiving. Letting go of the past is easy while looking forward to the interesting future. Many wishes will come to the forefront in the next week or so, be careful what you wish for. Dennis Fairchild expresses: "This first full day of Solar Sagittarius begets an excellent time for declaring your independence from everything and everyone that hasn't been useful or helpful to you over the last few weeks, and taking steps to move on. Refuse to be controlled by who you used to be, orders midday through bedtime's void Virgo moon, and be conscious of the flaws you spot in the greater scheme of things, but not so overwhelmed that you don't see the good, as well. "To have faith is to trust yourself to the water," spoke Alan Watts. "When you swim you don't grab hold of the water, because if you do you will sink and drown. Instead you relax, and float." Demonstrate your best strokes, prompts Merc-Jupiter, and celebrate the journey, not the sandbars." Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, many blessings and don't forget to breathe!

Monday, June 20, 2016

Full Moon, Summer Solstice 2016

Full moon this morning will find us revisiting some of the issues from this past month, we will feel it is time to "change things up" in order to move forward. Are we paying attention? Messages will come forward this week and for the next 30 days until the next full moon, look for them to help us with our direction. Also, Happy Summer Solstice this evening, woo hoo summer is here!! Visualize only good coming to all of us!!

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Happy Birthday Aries!

Happy Birthday Aries, Happy Spring equinox, Saturn square Jupiter, Neptune slightly off square with Pluto, a lunar eclipse in Libra (relationships) and a moon conjunct Neptune. Wow, wonder if we'll survive all of this energy! Best way to deal with all of this is to focus and put the energy to work for you, spring cleaning might be a good idea since people will be annoyed and annoying, don't take anything personally!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Post Solar Eclipse

We are now in the post Solar Eclipse period heading toward the lunar eclipse in Libra. We will be feeling a lot of emotional endings and hearing a lot of endings. People leaving and/or losing their jobs, relationships and walking away from things that just don't serve us. We are experiencing crazy dreams and disillusionment over many of the things we are doing, however on a good note soon there will be new exciting beginnings after letting go of the old. Good time to sing, dance and clean closets!!

Monday, March 7, 2016

New Moon Solar Eclipse

March 8, 2016 will be a Solar Eclipse in Pisces. This is a super moon eclipse which means everything is much more pronounced. Lots of energy more for some than others. You will have been feeling this energy for a little while and will continue until at least the next Solar eclipse if not longer. Some will find endings whether wanted or not or just high emotional responses to ongoing issues. This is a very good time to put out intentions for changes we would like to see made to ourselves and our circumstances. Always remember to not wish harm as that can come back to us but to wish for the best outcome. While we may experience endings we will also experience new beginnings that are in our best interest even if we do not think they serve us. Letting go of what doesn't serve us will leave room for those new beginnings. All these emotional changes can cause great moodiness and anxiety so try to stay in the "now" moment and remember that other people are experiencing their own frustrations and may not know what is happening. Best to just breathe!!!(sometimes stronger than others!)

Monday, February 22, 2016

Full Moon in Virgo

Today's full moon in Virgo will make us restless and have more dreams than usual. We will feel a draw to "spring cleaning" everything cleaning clutter from our homes, offices and hearts. Letting go of the old to make room for the new opportunities when the eclipses come in March. We might find ourselves feeling frustration that things are not moving as fast as we would like, remember everything has it's time so pick and chose wisely, move forward and stay grounded!

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day with a Virgo moon feeling very grounded, being cold outside great for snuggling, have a lovely day!

Monday, February 8, 2016

Aquarius New Moon, Chinese New Year

Aquarius new Moon today gives us the sense of new beginnings with a smooth flow like water gently lapping the shore. We can do this opportunity! Year of the Red Monkey Chinese New Year, wow all that boundless energy! Enjoy

Tuesday, February 2, 2016


Pluto planet of transformation still in orb of squaring Uranus. Have you felt the unexpected opportunities? How about the unexpected problems, and/ or tragedies. Slowly we will feel better and able to take advantage of the opportunities, we only need to pay attention to the good side of this aspect, it is all good!!

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Mercury Stationary Direct

With the moon in Virgo today soon to transition in to Libra and with Mercury (finally) stationary direct we can turn our attention to better focus on what needs to be done and prioritizing. Gathering paperwork for tax season seems to be a good example and making sure we've remembered everything because Neptune may play a part in forgetting something. When Mercury actually starts it's movement in a few days we will be ready!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

5 planet lineup

While the lineup of the five planets in the sky is beautiful to see it brings with it high unexpected energy. Mercury retrograde will touch the Pluto/Uranus square with the full moon coming January 23. Could be earthquakes, really bad weather and natural occurrences. Our personal energy will be intensified also so a high recommendation to not act rashly-to be calm and just be, maybe use that energy directed to cleaning out and cleaning up. Breathe!!

Friday, January 8, 2016

New Moon Capricorn

Saturday evening there is a new moon in the sign of Capricorn. With Mercury and Jupiter retrograde we are all struggling with issues left over from the last year. This would be a good time of introspection and putting things in order to move forward giving thought to the "new" available to us in dependable, loyal, down to earth Capricorn.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Mercury Retrograde

It's official the first Mercury Retrograde of the year is here. Time to reevaluate our goals for the new year, renew, refurbish and re everything. Not a time to panic or get upset over little things that come our way. After the busyness of the holidays might be a good time to smooth out and tweak those things we want to get started when Mercury goes direct. Can be a restful time putting ideas in place with Mars in Scorpio will have the energy to facilitate them!