Saturday, December 29, 2018

Happy New Year

As we say goodbye to 2018 let us realize what we have survived. Almost every planet has been retrograde putting a slow down or stop to almost everything. What a challenge, so many sad endings and challenges paving the way for a new reality without realizing that it was all a growth experience. We are stronger for all that 2018 gave us to overcome, learning as we go. So now on to 2019, keeping an open mind, being more creative and having more compassion for ourselves and others. We will find ourselves a little more serious and conservative but with more optimism. Patience will be a strong rule. With Jupiter (the planet of expansion) in the sign of Sagittarius (energy and strong will) for the next year all of us will see excellent bright new beginnings built with integrity. We will make new discoveries and new friends, letting go of toxic people and embracing those who enrich our lives. There will some challenging times but we will view them as learning experiences and emerge better for the experience. As we say thank you to 2018 for the lesson, bring it on 2019 we're stronger and ready! Don't forget to breathe!

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Full Moon

Full moon December 22, 2018 in the sign of Cancer. With the conjunction of the winter solstice and the sun moving in to Capricorn for the month there is a lot of energy going on. Nurturing, compassion, and excitement is in the air. As we will be paying closer attention to others and our personal emotions we must remember to stay grounded. Among this busy time of the holiday season the full moon will create a lot of overwhelming issues and we must prioritize or having a melt down is inevitable. Cancer is a sign of trying to help everyone and Capricorn is the sign of staying focused. Be sure to be careful with your emotions and opinions as they could spark quite the debate on things that really require us to just put "one foot in front of the other" and take "baby steps". Just know it will all work out well and with the Capricorn energy and hard work it's all good. It will be a really nice and happy holiday season we just need to focus on what's really important as we nurture ourselves also. Have a fantastic Holiday season and don't forget to breathe!

Friday, December 7, 2018

New Moon

Yay, Mercury is finally stationary direct (a few more days for moving forward), lots of miscommunication and frustration will be lighter and more forgiving. New Moon December 7, 2018 in Sagittarius, great time to set those intentions for new beginnings. Mars conjunct Neptune will give us the energy to act on those intentions but make sure you dot your i's and cross your t's as Neptune can bring some confusion. Everyone will feel lighter and excited for the bustle of the Christmas season. There have been some endings, some large, some small, but we will see that these had to end for the new to come. It will be exciting if you can keep an open mind. Keep the faith because it's all good, be sure to breathe!