Friday, June 23, 2017

New Moon in Cancer

Tonight July 23, 2017 the moon becomes new in the sign of Cancer. This is an emotional time and we could be extra sensitive right now. By being aware of Cancer moon sensitivities we can all strive to watch our words, especially those that can wound or hurt. This is a moon in a water sign hence all the rain; the flowers certainly appreciate it! We will seem to be spending more time with family and related functions right now and they will go well and happy. Watch yourself becoming over emotional and melancholy as this too will pass. Also, overeating may take hold (love that macaroni and cheese); with food and drink tasting especially delicious. A very good time to set positive intentions to move our wishes forward. This is a comforting time, enjoy! Remember to breathe!

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Strawberry Full Moon

We are experiencing this full Strawberry Moon with great enthusiasm and hopefulness. Sometimes we just have to say "no" in order to keep the peace and not be upset all the time. There is a lot of energy with this moon and we find ourselves very busy with getting ready for summer and ending school year issues. Be wary of being pulled in too many directions. Jupiter has now stationed direct after having been retrograde since February. When Jupiter starts moving forward this week notice how everything just seems to fall in to place and even though we have so much to accomplish, it just seems easier with the positive, good luck planet forward movement. Might be a little of a roller coaster ride but keep your perspective and it may just be fun, don't fall for others drama keeping a smile! Is all good, don't forget to breathe!