Friday, August 18, 2017

Solar Eclipse

It's a really exciting time with the Solar Eclipse on August 21, 2017 at 2:30 PM-EST. The moon will be in Leo at this time and the energy will be enormous! I'm sure everyone is feeling the whirlwind of activity around them. Some will become engaged, some married, change employment, remodel homes (some not by their choice), etc. If you have been thinking of making changes lately and feel compelled to implement them now is the time to research and reevaluate those ideas. Keeping in mind that Mercury is retrograde many of those ideas may not move forward until mercury goes direct in early September. Eclipse energy is felt for at least 6 months if not longer and the first month will be the strongest. If you haven't gotten the results you've been looking for have patience. You should feel some inkling by the solstice September 21 of which direction you'll be going toward. The Eclipse will usually force us in a direction we think isn't what we want but is really very good for us to take a hard look and see. This is a very good time for positive thinking and purging out the old to make room for the new. Enjoy this time because it is a good jolt of positive energy. Be safe when looking at the eclipse and don't forget to breathe!

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

August 7, 2017 there will be a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Aquarius. The energy is intense as we head for the eclipse. There will be endings and completions and also fresh starts. Usually eclipse energy brings an awareness of things and emotions around us. We will find ourselves deciding what it is we want to accept and what we no longer want to deal with, thus the endings and fresh starts. Be aware when interacting with others that they also have full moon eclipse energy in their charts and it will detract from what you are feeling, patience may be the order of the day. If you have been contemplating making changes in any part of your experience this time will find you having intense emotions about what direction to take. Since Mercury (planet of communication) will be going retrograde August 12 and since we find ourselves in its shadow final decisions may be better shelved until we have researched our decision thoroughly and move forward when Mercury does direct around September 10. Reorganizing our finances and spending habits will be successful now and new ideas will come our way regarding our money. Someone may say something in passing that will resonate with us and we will find ourselves being uplifted. Remember its all small stuff and we will begin to realize what's truly important. We can do this!! Don't forget to breathe!