Thursday, January 28, 2016

Mercury Stationary Direct

With the moon in Virgo today soon to transition in to Libra and with Mercury (finally) stationary direct we can turn our attention to better focus on what needs to be done and prioritizing. Gathering paperwork for tax season seems to be a good example and making sure we've remembered everything because Neptune may play a part in forgetting something. When Mercury actually starts it's movement in a few days we will be ready!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

5 planet lineup

While the lineup of the five planets in the sky is beautiful to see it brings with it high unexpected energy. Mercury retrograde will touch the Pluto/Uranus square with the full moon coming January 23. Could be earthquakes, really bad weather and natural occurrences. Our personal energy will be intensified also so a high recommendation to not act rashly-to be calm and just be, maybe use that energy directed to cleaning out and cleaning up. Breathe!!

Friday, January 8, 2016

New Moon Capricorn

Saturday evening there is a new moon in the sign of Capricorn. With Mercury and Jupiter retrograde we are all struggling with issues left over from the last year. This would be a good time of introspection and putting things in order to move forward giving thought to the "new" available to us in dependable, loyal, down to earth Capricorn.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Mercury Retrograde

It's official the first Mercury Retrograde of the year is here. Time to reevaluate our goals for the new year, renew, refurbish and re everything. Not a time to panic or get upset over little things that come our way. After the busyness of the holidays might be a good time to smooth out and tweak those things we want to get started when Mercury goes direct. Can be a restful time putting ideas in place with Mars in Scorpio will have the energy to facilitate them!