Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving morning will be a high energy affair with an Aquarius moon ruling the day. There may be a lot of creativity going on with decorations and maybe new recipes that will turn out yummy. Might want to be careful with overindulgence as the evening progresses with a void moon making us all tired and satiated. Conversations will be lively and some will be very informative, could we be learning something new? Will be a fun day with family and friends and a little different but all good! Have a Happy Thanksgiving and remember to breathe!

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Libra Moon

November 15, 2017 moon in Libra, whew with the moons conjunction of Mars how annoying can everything seem to be. Many things that certainly we have had patience with has flown out the window. Moving forward the intensity will fade away and we are left with the fall out. Hopefully we haven't done too much damage as we get ready for the shadow of Mercury retrograde: a time of miscommunication and misunderstanding. I guess this is a time for a deep breath and putting this behind us as we move forward. Just breathe!

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Full Moon Taurus

Relationships are the focus on the full moon in Taurus. Resurrecting hurts from the past should try to be avoided as the moon will only magnify the feelings and serve no purpose in the present. Feeling angry and depressed has been the theme these last few days. Was there a really good reason? Take the time while there is this energy to feel compassion and being grateful to lift us out of the doldrums we are feeling. Trying to keep calm in the midst of chaos is sometimes difficult but keeping in mind that "this too will pass" we can find peace with the next few days when the full moon energy wans. Don't forget to breathe is very important especially now!!