Thursday, January 31, 2019

New Moon in Aquarius

February 4, 2019 at 4:04 PM there will be a new moon in the sign of Aquarius. The sign of thinking outside of the box, stubbornness and helpfulness. This is a good luck moon and if you need to solve a problem you may want to approach it from a different perspective. This is an exciting time as all planets are moving forward and so we can too. People may appear frustrated and angry due to their limiting circumstances. We may want to learn from them and be sure to not limit ourselves to someone else's opinion. Saturn is the planet that rules the cold and Capricorn is the sign that also rules the cold and since Saturn is visiting in the sign of Capricorn for the next two years we can expect these severe temperature swings. Since Saturn is the teacher we may want to learn from this experience and take steps to protect ourselves. Stay warm and don't forget to breathe!!

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Full Moon/Supermoon

There is a Full Moon/Super moon Lunar Eclipse January 21, 2019 at 12:16 AM/EST. Full moons are very powerful, but with a lunar eclipse the energy is increased enormously. This moon will bring positive changes and opportunities, it may be intense. We must pay attention to the subtle advantages that will come our way and have the courage to keep an open mind. This is a moon of releasing and purging. It may be difficult to let go but we may have to in order to move forward with the changes that are to benefit us in the long term. We may have been feeling some anxiety over things we could not control as well as dealing with others feeling the same. Relax as some really nice surprises will come our way. Pay attention, however small, to anything that may indicate a promise for our future happiness. Don't forget to breathe!

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Jupiter in Sagittarius

Astrologically everything is pretty busy, but this is a great time to reevaluate and push forward. Astrologer Tisch Aitken says it really well: This is a time to meditate, magnetize, dream, create and attract. Visualize your dreams and manifest! Jupiter and Neptune are both strong manifesting planets; therefore, to have both planets triggering each other on and off this year in their home signs is huge for manifesting the dream! Jupiter and Neptune squaring each other in their home signs will never happen again so try to manifest and meditate regularly during 2019 to expand your dreams in turbulent times. Jupiter expands whatever it touches, so be wary of being overly emotional or escaping in the fantasy too much. Neptune can involve undoing so focus on healthy escapes and not getting lost in emotions. This is an aspect which says rest and restore. Dream big and please dream a little dream of me! Remember to breathe!

Friday, January 4, 2019

New Moon Solar Eclipse

January 5, 2019 there will be a new moon with a solar eclipse in the sign of Capricorn at 8:28 PM. Lots of excellent changes in store with this eclipse. The last few days have been rather dramatic with some endings, people passing on and relationships ending and reevaluation of our future. Take heart, after the eclipse we will notice many issues resolving in a positive direction. Even though we don't believe it at the time it is for our overall good. This is a great time to more forward with our resolutions and will find relative success. Money, relationship and family issues will level out and become less frustrating. Eclipse energy can last up to two years so this new beginnings moon is a great time to get started. Can't say it'll be smooth sailing all the way but this is great time to experience success. Capricorn is the sign of hard work, loyalty and persistence, let's make it work for us with great happiness. Don't forget to breathe!