Sunday, November 29, 2020

Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse

There is a full moon/lunar eclipse in the sign of Gemini on Monday, November 30, 2020 at 4:30 AM (EST). Lunar eclipse happens when the moon passes directly behind the earth. This will be a very emotional full moon exagerated by the eclipse. There are decisions that will be made for us or by us that will cause us to reflect seriously on the outcomes. Be aware that Gemini has a tendency to say one thing and do another. Don't believe anything you hear without checking it out for yourself. There will be some revelations coming especially between now and the solar eclipse, December 14, 2020. We will be letting go of things or people that don't serve our higher purpose, even though it will be an emotional decision. It is all for a greater good, don't be surprised at the unexpected outcome of some decisions outside of our control. Since this is an emotional sign and lunar eclipse there will be some anger and push back so try to not forget to breathe!!

Saturday, November 14, 2020

New Moon

There is a new moon in the sign of Scorpio, November 15, 2020 at 12:04 AM. The Dark Moon is a great time to set new intentions and put things in motion to move forward. However, Scorpio is a sign of secrecy and the unexpected. There will be secrets and deception revealed in the new few weeks that will shake everyones trust system. Rebuilding that trust will be problimatic as Scorpio doesn't forgive that easily. This is a challenging time with the planets beginning to move forward and bringing issues to the forefront. There could be unrest and supply change issues, prepare dilligently. There is hope because Scorpio can reward after it reveals. Watch for this happening either personally, professionally or politically. Scorpions have a powerful sting so this could get interesting. Have faith with Covid 19 problems, it is beginning to lighten up and will basically be a bad dream the beginning of next year until then be prudent with necessary proticol to be safe. Be careful as there are those who are trying to use this to their advantage and if challenged will retaliate. Lots of planetary movement right now so be sure to breathe!