Saturday, June 20, 2020

Summer Solstice/Solar Elcipse

Happy Summer Solstice June 20, 2020 at 5:44 PM (EST), enjoy summer with all its glory! There is a solar eclipse on June 21, 2020 at 2:41 AM (EST) in the sign of Cancer. This is a new moon and we will be able to put things in motion and grow. Solar eclipse energy strengthens the moon's energy so we will feel restless and full of energy to "get started". There are five planets in retrograde motion right now - Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Venus and Pluto With so many planets retrograde we may feel "stuck" and just feel we are spinning our wheels. Neptune, the planet of disillusion and deception, will go retrograde June 23. Expect some interesting developments to come forward. Venus will go direct June 25 with a short shadow period and we will find people will be a little more forgiving. This energy of the planets "bumping" in to each other causes so much confusion and unusual excitability. It can be a bumpy ride creating a lot of darkness. Always remember that light overcomes dark so project your light to overcome the darkness that may envelope all of us. Each of us can visualize the light and then watch the difference, it really does work! Don't forget to breathe!

Monday, June 15, 2020

Mercury Retrograde

Mercury will turn retrograde June 18 until July 21. The shadow period started June 2 and can sometimes be more challenging than the actual retrograde period. Retrograde shadow times are usually 10 days before and after the actual retrograde. Communications will be distorted and misunderstood. People will say one thing but mean another, be careful. Electronics will go haywire and just not work smoothly. This is the best time to complete projects already started, try not to start anything new if at all possible because they will just be frustratingly slow. Do not purchase any major products. As with all mercury retrogrades it is a time for redoing, renewing, readjusting and reorganizing. This particular retrograde, in the sign of Gemini, will bring many secrets to light that will surprise us and make us rethink our direction both personally and professionally. In other words, thinking of decisions involving should we stay or should we go or just change the dynamic. Venus will start slowing down getting ready to move in a direct motion after being retrograde and this will help bring calm and peace. Don't forget to breathe!

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse

There is a full moon/lunar eclipse June 5, 2020 at 3:12 PM in the sign of Sagittarius. This is a time of letting go and releasing fear and things that don't serve your higher purpose. The lunar eclipse increases the energy of the "fire sign" of Sagittarius and with Mars in the mix we can expect a very uncertain time with anger and frustrations. This full moon is a time to change that energy and let it go in a constructive way. Neptune, the planet of illusion and trickery, is in the mix so please do not believe everything you hear from anyone, including the media. Neptune wants to teach us to come to our own conclusions and research, research, research. Neptune can lead us astray easily if we don't pay attention. This lunar eclipse will bring behind the scenes issues forward and can lead to some interesting information, be sure to keep your perspective. Lots of energy during eclipse season so be sure to breathe!