Monday, November 25, 2019

New Moon

There will be a new moon in Sagittarius, November 26, 2019 at 10:05 EST. Expect renewed energy and confidence to return moving forward. Mercury is now stationary direct with movement December 8 and we will be feeling the calmness, breathing a sigh of relief. Mercury played havoc with communication and electronics. Now is a good time to put our plans in to place before eclipse season in late December which will bring us more of what we ask for from the universe. Always think positive as our thoughts can be our reality. Be wary of weight gain over the next few weeks as Jupiter is going to change signs and become a little more attention oriented, Jupiter likes to expand and grow. Neptune will be coming out of retrograde and we will be having more dreams and our intuition will be activated. Pay attention to the a-ha moments for some revealing subjects. Also, be careful of deceptive advertising. Venus will be around bringing us great relationships and maybe revealing some interesting facts about past ones, pay attention, could be interesting!! It's all good, be sure to breathe!

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Full Moon

The moon will be full on November 12, 2019 at 8:38 EST. With the full moon and mercury retrograde together we may feel pulled in many different directions. We start projects only to have them become more than we bargained for and a little discouraging. High emotional time so be sure to try and pace yourself and be calm. This comment from Insights in Modern Astrology sort of puts it all in perspective: "Mercury has gone retrograde again and is in Scorpio. That means mean girls part two. Drama, backbiting and complete misunderstanding will rule the week. Distract and entertain yourself by following the little black dot crossing the face of the Sun. It’s our friend Mercury and it won’t do that again until 2032. We’ve got a full moon in Taurus on Tuesday. Cue the wrap it up signal. It’s time to finish those projects, put bedding on the gardens and swap out the wardrobe for the next season's clothes." Whew! Don't forget to breathe!