Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Mercury retrograde

Mercury retrograde heads up begins March 6, 2019. The shadow period is now and a good time to wrap things up such as signing contracts, working on income taxes and putting finishing touches on projects. This doesn't mean everything will be a disaster it just means communication may be a little more frustrating. Watch installing those new apps and programs on computers and phones, lots of annoying moments will take a little longer to implement. The retrograde is not all frustrating because those things we've been working on will come to completion and we will breathe a sigh of relief. Some decisions that have we've been going round and round on will finally be made with great results. Some words from Dennis Fairchild: "If you hit a wall today, give yourself cosmic permission to climb over it, crawl under it, or dance on top of it. Tuesday's lunar Sadge star stuff supports declaring your independence from self-defeating habits and people; being open to suggestions; exercising; breaking free of social conventions; switching gears; walking the dogs; quieting any critical dialogue you're having with yourself about yourself; going with the spontaneous flow of things. The Archer moon and the I-Ching remind that, “… obstacles are a natural part of life, just as boulders are a natural part of the course of a river. The river does not complain or get depressed because there are boulders in its path.” Be on the lookout for opportunities brilliantly disguised as insoluble problems." Don't forget to breathe!!!

Monday, February 18, 2019

Virgo full moon

February 19, 2019 brings in a super full moon in the sign of Virgo. This will be a moon of practicality and getting things done. If you've been living with confusion and restriction this will be the time of lifting and seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. This will be overwhelming energy so we may have to prioritize our intentions. Since this is a "super" full moon everything will be wilder and more confusing, best to not make rash decisions and take baby steps. Please remember to breathe through it all.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Mars conjunct Uranus

Mars conjunct Uranus instills a blow-up kind of mentality. Expect the unexpected, so in order to prevent any melt downs be sure to breathe and not make any rash decisions. Keeping in mind that this is somehow affecting everyone many people will not understand their annoyances. Driving will be unpredictable with everyone seeming to be erratic, therefore be especially careful. There could be a sudden upheaval on the world stage so watch for it, could be interesting. Be careful with your own responses to others and yourself. Feeling restricted and trapped will be one of the side effects so make all this energy work for you. Clean closets, go for a long walk, and organize. By Thursday, Valentine's Day, the energy will be significantly reduced and will make for a nice day and weekend. Be calm and carry on this week, it's all good and don't forget to breathe!!