Sunday, December 31, 2017

Happy New Year - 2018

As we say goodbye to 2017 we may just get emotional. So many endings, beginnings, conflict and frustrations! Onward we go in to 2018 with a hopeful heart and an opportunity to put everything in to place one step at a time with help from Saturn our teacher. 2018 is a number 9 year of bringing things to completion and moving forward leaving the old behind, this could mean new employment opportunities, new family and friends and putting to rest our depressive thoughts. Bring it on with all the good that will be made aware to us and all the wonderful people we will meet, some opportunities we will have, some challenging, some not so much. Happy New Year to one and all and many blessings! Don't forget to breathe, it's all good!!

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Merry Christmas

Christmas day is going to be very nice and full of surprises! Finally feeling a little more mellow with Mercury moving forward and we will be less upset. Our dreams seem to be more prolific right now there could be a message in them so pay attention if you can. We will be looking at things a little more pragmatically since Saturn (planet of teaching) is coming to the forefront changing signs into Capricorn (sign of practicality). Be careful of overindulgence because we may say to ourselves at the end of the day "Why did I do that?". Having fun is the order of the day with really nice surprises, all in all a wonderful day for family and friends. To everyone have a Merry Christmas and don't forget to breathe!!

Sunday, December 17, 2017

New Moon/Saturn in Capricorn

There is going to be so much energy this week we may find ourselves running around in circles. The new moon December 18 is in Sagittarius and this means we will want to move forward with whatever we are trying to accomplish (Christmas perhaps). Mercury is still in retrograde until the 22nd and will pull us backward so it's "two steps forward and one step back" this week, so be prepared so you don't get too frustrated. In the mix Saturn (the planet of restriction and learning) will be changing signs from flighty Sagittarius and going in to serious down to earth Capricorn. As you feel the sigh of relief on December 20 from the intensity of Saturn in Sagittarius you start to feel more of a sense of responsibility and detail focus with Saturn in Capricorn. Capricorn likes to "put his nose to the grindstone" so not too much flightiness there, just a lot of hard work that will turn out to be positive in the long run. Patience is the key here and try to look at everything with a positive spin because it's all good! Don't forget to breathe!

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Full Moon/Mercury Retrograde

Mercury the trickster goes retrograde today and early tomorrow is a full super moon in Gemini. No wonder we are all feeling confused and disoriented. This is a great time to complete projects, purge the old such as responsibilities, clutter and maybe some relationships. Don't feel guilty, is just the natural order of things. Not an excellent time to start something new, but is a good time to reevaluate our direction. The full moon in Gemini will have some people talking one way and thinking another and could cause a lot of confusion. Patience will definitely be required. This is a busy time with the holidays so is important to pay attention to receipts and purchases so returns that Mercury rules (mostly electronics) will be minimal. Gemini full moon is lots of fun but confusion may reign with parties, friends, family and miscommunication. Be diligent (make your list and check it twice) and everything will go well and fun. Don't forget to breathe!

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving morning will be a high energy affair with an Aquarius moon ruling the day. There may be a lot of creativity going on with decorations and maybe new recipes that will turn out yummy. Might want to be careful with overindulgence as the evening progresses with a void moon making us all tired and satiated. Conversations will be lively and some will be very informative, could we be learning something new? Will be a fun day with family and friends and a little different but all good! Have a Happy Thanksgiving and remember to breathe!

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Libra Moon

November 15, 2017 moon in Libra, whew with the moons conjunction of Mars how annoying can everything seem to be. Many things that certainly we have had patience with has flown out the window. Moving forward the intensity will fade away and we are left with the fall out. Hopefully we haven't done too much damage as we get ready for the shadow of Mercury retrograde: a time of miscommunication and misunderstanding. I guess this is a time for a deep breath and putting this behind us as we move forward. Just breathe!

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Full Moon Taurus

Relationships are the focus on the full moon in Taurus. Resurrecting hurts from the past should try to be avoided as the moon will only magnify the feelings and serve no purpose in the present. Feeling angry and depressed has been the theme these last few days. Was there a really good reason? Take the time while there is this energy to feel compassion and being grateful to lift us out of the doldrums we are feeling. Trying to keep calm in the midst of chaos is sometimes difficult but keeping in mind that "this too will pass" we can find peace with the next few days when the full moon energy wans. Don't forget to breathe is very important especially now!!

Thursday, October 19, 2017

New Moon - Libra

New Moon today at 3:12 PM EST in Libra. Relationships are important and will be a priority for a little while. Remember not to become a victim of someone else's negativity. Our activity levels have increased and demands have been made constantly. Too much to do and too little time as they say. Therefore, this is a time for us to take care of ourselves by setting priorities and taking time to "smell the roses". For the next few months we will be pulled in a lot of different directions and may become irritable and annoyed. This is our notice to slow down. This is a very positive time for new beginnings and fresh starts as we will be meeting new people and reconnecting with people from the past, make it all work out for yourself and don't forget to breathe!!

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Full Moon

Full moon October 5, 2017 at 3:40 PM. Since this full moon is in fiery Aries we may find ourselves and others edgy and frustrated. Keeping calm would be a good idea. However, our energy levels will be high and we will find we want to purge and clean getting ready for the holidays. Also, Venus and Mars are dancing around each other for a little while yet and relationships and beautifying are at the top of our list. Letting go is hard to do but reevaluating is good. Don't make any rash decisions without considering that the energy may dissipate soon and we will feel differently (maybe not). Look for an old friend or acquaintance that you haven't heard from in a while to make contact and also someone new coming in to your life. Lots of energy for moving forward and looking to the future with relationships, personal and otherwise. Great time for meditation to deal with all this great momentum. Don't forget to breathe!!

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

New Moon Virgo

New moon in Virgo, Wednesday, September 20, 1:30 AM EST will bring about reminders of the solar eclipse in August. The solar eclipse has been a trying experience for everyone, too many storms, fires and personal issues. Paying attention to detail is a Virgo trait and we will find ourselves looking at everything with a lot of scrutiny. We must look carefully at all aspects and review everything that has been keeping us so busy this last month or so. Could it be that we need to decide what's important in the long run? This new moon will provide us with these answers if we pay attention to the signs, it could also mean we just need to take a mental break from everything that has been hitting us. Be careful of making promises that we will be unable to keep since mercury (communication) is in aspect to Neptune (illusion) and Mars (energy); our intentions are good but things will get in the way. Be discerning with what you decide to take on since it will be a busy time. The solstice is on Friday, September 22 and will be a good time to bring on fresh ideas while letting others that have served their time move on. This is a good time to meditate and breathe!!

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Full Moon

Full Moon today in Pisces. We may need to pay attention to our dreams as they be prophetic. Mercury is direct (still in the retrograde shadow until September 10) and with Saturn direct it seems as though we can't keep up. We've put projects and decisions off but somehow they have turned around and come at us full force. This is a great time to move forward with anything we've postponed. Everyone seems to be distracted so we must pay attention to our driving and operating of machinery. Pisces is an empathetic sign as has been demonstrated with all the hurricane help. It is also a water sign and can bring major storms and lots of water, this could be Irma and all will be affected no matter where you live. Sudden unexpected happenings with this full moon, try as much as you can to be prepared (lottery anyone?). Many will experience a lot of wonderful happenings with much joy. Please use this energy and make it work for you by trying to stay focused and remembering to keep your perspective. Don't forget to breathe!!

Friday, August 18, 2017

Solar Eclipse

It's a really exciting time with the Solar Eclipse on August 21, 2017 at 2:30 PM-EST. The moon will be in Leo at this time and the energy will be enormous! I'm sure everyone is feeling the whirlwind of activity around them. Some will become engaged, some married, change employment, remodel homes (some not by their choice), etc. If you have been thinking of making changes lately and feel compelled to implement them now is the time to research and reevaluate those ideas. Keeping in mind that Mercury is retrograde many of those ideas may not move forward until mercury goes direct in early September. Eclipse energy is felt for at least 6 months if not longer and the first month will be the strongest. If you haven't gotten the results you've been looking for have patience. You should feel some inkling by the solstice September 21 of which direction you'll be going toward. The Eclipse will usually force us in a direction we think isn't what we want but is really very good for us to take a hard look and see. This is a very good time for positive thinking and purging out the old to make room for the new. Enjoy this time because it is a good jolt of positive energy. Be safe when looking at the eclipse and don't forget to breathe!

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

August 7, 2017 there will be a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Aquarius. The energy is intense as we head for the eclipse. There will be endings and completions and also fresh starts. Usually eclipse energy brings an awareness of things and emotions around us. We will find ourselves deciding what it is we want to accept and what we no longer want to deal with, thus the endings and fresh starts. Be aware when interacting with others that they also have full moon eclipse energy in their charts and it will detract from what you are feeling, patience may be the order of the day. If you have been contemplating making changes in any part of your experience this time will find you having intense emotions about what direction to take. Since Mercury (planet of communication) will be going retrograde August 12 and since we find ourselves in its shadow final decisions may be better shelved until we have researched our decision thoroughly and move forward when Mercury does direct around September 10. Reorganizing our finances and spending habits will be successful now and new ideas will come our way regarding our money. Someone may say something in passing that will resonate with us and we will find ourselves being uplifted. Remember its all small stuff and we will begin to realize what's truly important. We can do this!! Don't forget to breathe!

Sunday, July 23, 2017

New Moon

New Moon in Leo today, July 23, 2017. As we experience this new energy there is fun in the air! This is a great time for new ideas and putting them in to action. Can't you just feel the high energy around all of us. Things may be coming at us fast and furious and will have a tendency to overwhelm. Focus is the key, one step at a time, be assured the energy will be there to get it done. Relationships will be intense but not in a bad way. New opportunities for new beginnings, what to do, what to do. Keeping our emotions from getting away from us will be the challenge as we will try to figure out which way to turn. Research with focus on what will make you the happiest. We are entering in to eclipse season heading toward the full Solar Eclipse on August 21. Eclipse energy before and after the event can have effects for 6 months or more so use this time wisely to see and make our future. We have the power inside of all of us and this will be a great time to put it in to action. Just be sure to breathe!!! N

Friday, July 7, 2017

Full Moon July 9 Capricorn

The Moon becomes full on July 9, 2017 in the sign of Capricorn. There are powerful energies aspecting this full moon and these will add to a lot of frustration. Capricorn is the sign of loyalty, hard work and sure footedness. When Capricorn is interfered with it can lead to anger, inconsistencies and explosiveness in its inability to keep its structure. In general, if you have been experiencing uneasiness within yourself and inability to reason with other people that is this full moons energy. People will become belligerent, angry for no obvious reason and impulsive. When we recognize these emotions it is better to avoid the news that inflames us, stay away from negative people and energies and get to a quiet place within ourselves. Making the energy work for us would be the best use of this time such as purging, balancing our finances, reading a good book and going for a long walk. It's important to roll with it during this time and don't forget to breathe!

Friday, June 23, 2017

New Moon in Cancer

Tonight July 23, 2017 the moon becomes new in the sign of Cancer. This is an emotional time and we could be extra sensitive right now. By being aware of Cancer moon sensitivities we can all strive to watch our words, especially those that can wound or hurt. This is a moon in a water sign hence all the rain; the flowers certainly appreciate it! We will seem to be spending more time with family and related functions right now and they will go well and happy. Watch yourself becoming over emotional and melancholy as this too will pass. Also, overeating may take hold (love that macaroni and cheese); with food and drink tasting especially delicious. A very good time to set positive intentions to move our wishes forward. This is a comforting time, enjoy! Remember to breathe!

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Strawberry Full Moon

We are experiencing this full Strawberry Moon with great enthusiasm and hopefulness. Sometimes we just have to say "no" in order to keep the peace and not be upset all the time. There is a lot of energy with this moon and we find ourselves very busy with getting ready for summer and ending school year issues. Be wary of being pulled in too many directions. Jupiter has now stationed direct after having been retrograde since February. When Jupiter starts moving forward this week notice how everything just seems to fall in to place and even though we have so much to accomplish, it just seems easier with the positive, good luck planet forward movement. Might be a little of a roller coaster ride but keep your perspective and it may just be fun, don't fall for others drama keeping a smile! Is all good, don't forget to breathe!

Monday, May 29, 2017

Gemini Sun

Let us remember those who gave their lives for our freedoms that we enjoy. With the Sun in Gemini there will be lots of activity and lively conversation. Be careful of two-sided interactions that may not be entirely on track since someone may be saying one thing and thinking another. Will be a really good week meeting new people and moving everything one step or two forward. However, watch those that would take advantage of our good natures. Is all good. Breathe!!

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Scorpio Full Moon

The full moon today is in the sign of Scorpio. The sign of secrets and personal energy. Be aware of sudden unexpected change. Such as "didn't see that coming". Many will feel a little under the weather as the moon's energy bears down, pacing yourself is important. With the north node (karma) changing signs today those things we didn't think would happen will take place such as President Trump firing FBI director James Comey or selling the car you didn't think would sell, or a delivery person you've had for years leaving or someone who's been gone coming back (watch out for anything toxic returning). Whew, watch what happens lots of interesting energy, could be fun!! Breathe!

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Mercury Direct

Happy May! May 2nd Mercury will finally go direct and the fog we've been experiencing will start to lift. Things will gradually become clearer as the shadow period ends in about 10 days. However, Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter are still retrograde teaching us lessons and holding us back. Remember that Saturn is the "boss" and teacher allowing us to revisit and fix what needs fixing. Think of, for example, the boss having you redo a report because something is missing. Great A-ha moments of what we have forgotten in order to move forward. Pluto is transformation and when retrograde we hardly notice what's going on, for example we may find our favorite restaurant has lost its allure and we will be finding a new favorite. Jupiter retrograde just holds us back keeping us from having the incentive and expansion to move forward, we just have to slog through. If we follow the lessons being shown to us good things will happen and we can adjust beautifully. May is a wonderful month for bright new beginnings. Is all good, don't forget to breathe!

Monday, April 17, 2017

Planet energy

Monday's keep it real-lunar Capricorn vibe makes this the perfect day for burning obsolete bridges, breaking a taboo or two, and working just a bit harder towards bringing more control into your life. Stop feeding any feelings that makes you scared to change what needs to be changed, adds the Sun— work to bring more relief and release into your life. "The key," reminds Stephen Covey and Neptune, "is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities." Tell your ego and fears that you're not going to be their slave anymore" (Dennis Fairchild) With all the planetary energy right now this is very relevant, have courage and take time to breathe!

Thursday, April 6, 2017


Saturn turned retrograde today until August 2017. We may find things that have been put in place facing some challenges. The idea during Saturn retrograde is that those challenges we face will make us that much stronger when it goes direct. It is a good thing to study and respond to things that don't serve us anymore carefully no matter how painful - the reward will come when Saturn turns direct and we will have an "a ha" moment showing us what Saturn was trying to teach. However, on top of Saturn retrograde we now have Mercury going retrograde April 9 until May 4th. As with all Mercury retrogrades not a good time to invest in electronics or start new ventures. Communications will go awry, be careful what you post on Social Media. Is a good time to reevaluate, redo and bring things to completion. Jupiter will still be retrograde dampening the whole process. On a light note Venus goes direct April 15, woo hoo! Now redecorating and renewing things will go easier and not so many returns of items we thought we liked but ended up not working out. Oh, and a full Moon April 11 in Libra (relationships, balance) adding to all this intense energy. The best idea is not to get angry quickly and make fast radical decisions. Take your time to look at everything objectively and it will all work out well. Very good time to breathe!!

Monday, March 27, 2017

Aries New Moon

The moon becomes dark in Aries at 10:57 PM EST today. This is the first new moon of the astrological new year after the spring equinox. If you haven't followed through with New Year's resolutions now is a good time to reevaluate and start anew. This is a moon of new beginnings and taking care of ourselves. We cannot be there for someone else if we are not there for us. This is a powerful time to visualize or journal wishes we may like to see come to fruition this year such as letting go of people or things that don't serve us and bringing in new ones. Purging, renewing and freshening up ourselves and our surroundings is a good theme to have right now. It's all good, don't forget to breathe!

Monday, March 20, 2017

Happy Spring Equinox

Happy Spring Equinox and astrological new year. With Saturn conjunct the moon today we will be conflicted with wanting to complete projects and just procrastinating. This spring will bring high energy along with unusual relationship concerns. Venus retrograde is requiring us to go within to judge how employment, coworkers, and general interaction with people are serving our needs. This is a time to not make quick decisions about our future but to take a second look at what is happening and tweek a little. The spring equinox means new beginnings dusting off the "winter" ones and maybe refreshing those calling it spring cleaning. Feeling compelled to make decisions and changes are happening but taking a slow a steady approach is best enjoying the new fresh springtime. It's all good, time to breathe!!

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Venus Retrograde

Today March 4, 2017 Venus goes retrograde through April 15, 2017. Venus the planet of love, money and beauty will be giving us a challenging time. This is a time to recognize the stresses in our relationships and find a way to heal them in a positive way. Venus will bring a challenge to this so might not be the best time to "break up" because one may regret it when Venus goes direct. Money will be an issue in the way of trying to "balance the checkbook". This is a great time to reevaluate our finances and find the leaks to make for a more stable future. It seems fitting that tax returns are due by April 15-17 because that's where our focus will be, don't make any major changes just yet. This is definitely not a good time to get a face lift or remodeling as Venus will find a way to make it more difficult and the results may not be as imagined. As with all retrogrades smaller is better and double checking in these areas is key. Breathe!

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Solar Eclipse

Hold on to your hats - a solar eclipse in Pisces is on it's way February 26. This is a powerful new moon eclipse with a lot of "a ha" moments, endings and beginnings. We have to pay attention to everything around us and happening to us for the next week or so, some things that need to be ended (would be nice to make the decision ourselves) and some good things coming to us to enhance our intentions. Pisces is the sign of empathy and understanding. Is this what is meant for us to follow? With Venus getting ready to retrograde we may want to reevaluate relationship changes and change our minds, thinking things through methodically is practical. This is a time of rethinking what it is we want from ourselves and others putting everything in perspective. Working toward those goals will become clearer during this time. It is all good if we make it a decision based on clarity and empathy without giving up ourselves! Breathing is good!

Friday, February 10, 2017

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

Leo full moon Lunar Eclipse today, we will feel compelled to make changes in order to move forward with our intentions. Many will wonder if they are making the right decision and the ramifications will last for a while however the positive energy of the Leo full moon will push us in the right direction. A lot of emotion is in the air so be judicious of other people since the moon is affecting all of us in different ways. This is a great time to implement new beginnings, buying a car, buying a house a new interest in a work environment or just starting a new project. Is all good. Don't forget to breathe!

Thursday, January 26, 2017

New Moon Aquarius

New Moon is in Aquarius on January 27, 2017. The first new moon of the new year without a Mercury retrograde gives us a new opportunity to put in place our resolutions. Writing down some wishes or intentions and putting them away to be checked on later will give us the strength to follow through with a little nudge from the new moon. This is a good time to look at new trends and unconventional approaches to problems and issues we have been trying to resolve the same old way, time for a change. Friendships begun and old ones will be strengthened and those that are weak will change and grow. Be careful of stubborn attachment to inflexible opinions keeping an open mind. Pay close attention to muscles that seem to spasm and cramp maybe not pushing them so hard, be good to yourself. Aquarius can be quirky but new ideas are to be had, can't wait! Is all good, breathe!!

Thursday, January 12, 2017

First Full Moon 2017

Today is the first full moon of 2017 in Cancer. Mercury is now direct and we will feel anxious about moving our intentions forward. This is a great time to prioritize, make lists to check off so that we don't get overwhelmed. We will be paying closer attention to our relationships maybe reevaluating with endings and new beginnings. People will be feeling some anxiety and "what about me" moments. Try to keep perspective and realize we are all in this together and can do whatever we put our minds to while being kind to ourselves. Remember to breathe, it's all good!!